Rapid Response Protocol – Member Complaint Form


Mailing Address(Required)


Please click on Add Entry to provide more information about your complaint. You may submit multiple entries if you have more than one incident to report.
Incident Date Describe the Incident(s) (include the location of the incident, who was involved, any injuries, etc.).Actions
By signing this complaint form, I affirm to the best of my knowledge that the information contained herein is true and factual, while also establishing consent and release of the above information to my local union/regional council for the purposes of an investigation. I understand that the completion of this form does not constitute the filing of a complaint with my employer or government agency and does not extend the time for filing a grievance or a complaint with my employer, an outside agency or in a court of law.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

We are having some technical issues with the member sign in and hope to have it back up and running shortly. Thank you for your patience.
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